At Mountaineer Wildlife Artistry, quality is our priority. We do not strive to be one of the cheapest taxidermy studios in West Virginia - we strive to be one of the best! The quality of the work that we produce is comparable to the quality of the best studios in the United States and the World, and we have the experience to handle just about any of your taxidermy requests, from the smallest mount to the largest dioramas.
ABOUT THE ARTIST Randy has been involved in Taxidermy for over 30-Years. Winner of many awards in various Taxidermy Competitions. (See credentials below). Randy was also a two-time past President of the West Virginia Taxidermists Association, and is currently an NTA (National Taxidermy Association)Certified Judge. Experience includes having worked at one of the most prestigious Taxidermy Studios in the Western United States, where he gained experienced in African as well as most species of North American Game.
He has also produced many taxidermy instructional videos and taxidermy products that are currently distributed by two major taxidermy supply companies.
More recently, Randy has written several Taxidermy "How-to" articles which have been featured in "Breakthrough" and "Taxidermy Today" magazines.
Randy has won numerous awards for competition mounts entered in various State shows throughout his career........
Judges Choice for Best of Show - Won 7 times Taxidermist's Choice (voted by peers) - Won 8 times Best of Category - Won 20+ times ... and various other awards & ribbons too numerous to list.